
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Don't Get Hit Over the Head with the 4 by 4!

What is the 4 by 4 you ask? Well, it is the new graduation requirement for high school students entering the 9th grade this year (2007-08). For more information, click on the links below. If you have a question, send me an email or just post a comment. But most importantly, know before you go. Read the information before your child enrolls in class for the fall to make sure they are on the right path!

Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2007-2008

For Frequently Asked Questions

For example:
If my child takes Algebra I in 8th grade, does that count...

Where can I see all the new graduation plans side-by-side?



Saturday, July 14, 2007

What If Parents Do These Ten Things?

What can parents do to support the school success of their child? They can tap into the strategies of literacy and learning. Literacy matters! And learning is what school is all about. If kids can’t, won’t or don’t read, nothing else matters! Parents may not be reading teachers, but they know the power of being a literate person in our society. They understand that the ability to read and write, to speak and listen, to use language to communicate; the ability to read about history, scientific discoveries and mathematical theories, to critique great literature and to debate a telling point; the ability to speak eloquently, to hear and be heard, to write with clarity; that these are academic performances embraced by an educated person.

What If Parents Do These Ten Things?
Robin Fogarty, Ph.D.
1. What if parents read to their child everyday? If parents read one book a day for the first three years, their child will have heard 1000 stories by the age of three.
2. What if parents teach their child all the nursery rhymes as toddlers? If parents teach their child all the nursery rhymes as toddlers, they will empower their child with a "sense of story." 3. What if parents create a print-rich environment of books, magazines, newspapers and online reading? If parents create a print-rich environment, their child will embrace a wealth of reading resources.
4. What if parents talk to their child in complete sentences, rich with new and needed words? If parents talk to their child in rich, full sentences, their child will build a vast vocabulary.
5. What if parents ensure that their child has "playtime" on computers at every age"? If parents ensure that their child has "playtime" on a computer at every age, their child will be computer literate.
6. What if parents arrange a special time and place for homework? If parents arrange a special time and place for homework, their child will learn the rewards of practice.
7. What if parents check the homework for accuracy and neatness? If parents check the homework for accuracy and neatness, their child will exhibit precision and pride in their work.
8. What if parents volunteer at their child's school? If parents volunteer at their child's school, their child will see their teachers and parents as a team.
9. What if parents attend school functions and participate in robust ways? If parents attend school functions and participate in robust ways, their child will learn to value school as an integral part of life.
10. What if parents communicate regularly with their child's teachers? If parents communicate regularly with their child's teacher, the child will develop the means and the methods to communicate regularly.

So maybe your child is in high school and you feel it is too late for you to make a difference...then forward this on to a parent of a young child who can make a difference with their child.

What if...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome! This space was created for parents who have teenagers (and teenagers who have parents) who you hope will one day get out of your house and into college.

But unfortunately, you are not sure what you should be doing to get them there! First things first....where are you trying to get them...other then out of your house? If your goal is to get them into an environment of higher academia (college), post high school, then you and I can talk! But get the kid, because he or she will have to join you in this journey.

I will cover many issues along the way. Including NCLB, 4x4, dual credit, Advanced Placement, SAT, ACT, ADD, TAKS, TEKS, LRE, LD, get my point? How is the average person suppose to know what all of this means? Well, here is a great place to start but not to stop. If you have a question, comment or just want to scream...send me a message! In the meantime, prepare to succeed!

CU@Graduation (See you at graduation)

Great show today on the learning styles of African American children

No. Really, why can't he Read?